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Created by University of Newcastle, Australia, </teach> offers a range of valuable STEM courses, from Technology to Mathematics. It focuses on deliverying the best online learning experience to everyone.


It aims to delivery online quality courses to aspriring students with our experienced, certified lecturers of their specialized fields. We stand on our motto to

teach to the world!

It currently offers three major strands of STEM, the following are:

S[TEM] areas


The Technology area offers courses such as Games Design, Games Production, and Digital Technologies. Our programs are designed to ingrain deep technical discipline knowledge within a robust, professional perspective framework. Our graduates hone their technical skills by working on real-world problems both individually and in teams to achieve ethical, socially responsible and technically meritorious solutions to complex, open-ended problems (Source: University of Newcastle).

INFT3950 Games Design

Introduces the techniques of designing games for the digital entertainment industry. Students will analyse key game design elements including game genres, concepts, virtual worlds, storytelling, character, user interface design, and core technologies with a focus on the conceptual component of games design. Students will assimilate and expand upon the key theories and practices associated with games design via a series of written and practical projects.

INFT3960 Games Production

Building on prior programming knowledge, students will use available game engine technology to construct the operating elements of a game design. This course examines the techniques used in bringing a game to the point of distribution and transforming a design into a reality. Students will also come to experience and understand the relevance of other implementation issues such as physics engines, rendering tools, audio components, and the integration of the output from the art production tools used to create the game objects, world elements and backgrounds.

INFT1201 Digital Technologies for Media and Entertainment

Building on prior programming knowledge, students will use available game engine technology to construct the operating elements of a game design. This course examines the techniques used in bringing a game to the point of distribution and transforming a design into a reality. Students will also come to experience and understand the relevance of other implementation issues such as physics engines, rendering tools, audio components, and the integration of the output from the art production tools used to create the game objects, world elements and backgrounds.


The Engineering area is dedicated to teaching courses such as Human-Computer Interaction, Introduction to Procedural Programming, and Software Quality. Our programs are designed to ingrain deep technical discipline knowledge within a robust, professional perspective framework. Our graduates hone their technical skills by working on real-world problems both individually and in teams to achieve ethical, socially responsible and technically meritorious solutions to complex, open-ended problems (Source: University of Newcastle).

SENG2260 Human-Computer Interaction

Introduces the techniques of designing games for the digital entertainment industry. Students will analyse key game design elements including game genres, concepts, virtual worlds, storytelling, character, user interface design, and core technologies with a focus on the conceptual component of games design. Students will assimilate and expand upon the key theories and practices associated with games design via a series of written and practical projects.

ENGG1003 Introduction to Procedural Programming

This course introduces students to procedural programming and problem-solving with computers through MATLAB® and C, and assumes that students have basic computer literacy but no prior exposure to computer programming.

SENG4430 Software Quality

This course examines principles and techniques for designing quality into software, and for measuring and monitoring quality in software. Students will also obtain practical experience with software quality management and use of quality management tools.


Responding to the demand for graduates with quantitative and analytical skills, the Mathematics area prepares students and researchers to be visionary thinkers, exploring tomorrow’s big challenges today. established an enviable reputation for our teaching and research standards largely due to our high-calibre staff (Source: University of Newcastle). Our courses includes Discrete Mathematics, Foundational Studies in Mathematics, and Thinking and Working Mathematically.

MATH1520 Discrete Mathematic

Discrete mathematics is the study of mathematical structures that are discrete, separated or distinct; in contrast with calculus which deals with continuous change. It is an important area of pure and applied mathematics, as well as providing the mathematical basis for the understanding of computers and modern computation. Discrete Mathematics is important in the sciences, where it has increasing application in many areas, an exemplar of which is the understanding of DNA sequences in molecular biology. The Discrete Mathematics course introduces first year students to the basic concepts of discrete mathematics, covering topics such as sets, logic, enumeration methods, probability, recurrence relations, induction and graph theory. The course provides important background for students pursuing a BMath degree. It covers much of the mathematics essential for students majoring in Computer Science or Software Engineering, and is a compulsory course in those degree programs.

MATH1002 Foundational Studies in Mathematics

Many relationships in the real world can be modelled via a mathematical function of one or more variables. This course introduces common functions of one variable used in the sciences, equips students with the tools of differential and integral calculus to analyse the properties of such functions, and develops an understanding of the role of functions and calculus in real-world systems. This course is suitable for students with a background in high-school mathematics who have not studied, or who have not succeeded in, 2 unit or higher mathematics courses at HSC level.

MATH2920 Thinking and Working Mathematically

Provides students in Education programs with an insight into the nature of problem-solving in mathematics. In particular, within the scope of the mathematics they have studied, the students will become aware of the process of using mathematics in open-ended problems, the way in which new mathematics can be developed, and mathematics as a human endeavour. Encourages students to think mathematically and increase students' confidence in their mathematical ability.